New Athlete Information

Welcome to Wildfire Volleyball

Thank you for your interest in our programs.  This is the information page for all new athletes.

We want you to have an opportunity to experience Wildfire training completely free and without obligation.  New athletes are able to participate and enjoy an opportunity to meet the coaches, other athletes and engage in the environment and culture in our gym.

The steps are simple:

  1. Register for a Free Evaluation by clicking the free class button below. 
  2. Attend a session on Monday or Wednesday based on your athletes age (see below)
    1. Ages 6 – 11: Mondays & Wednesdays (5PM – 6:30PM)
    2. Ages 12 & 13: Mondays & Wednesdays (6:30PM – 8PM)
    3. Ages 14 & Older: Mondays & Wednesdays (8PM – 9:30PM)
  3. If your athlete enjoys the class and wants to continue let our staff know or simply click on the button below to learn more and register for the iAM Program. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach us at the phone or email below.

Ore Pablos


Selene Teitelbaum