Info For Athletes

Recruiting Process

This page is designed to be a resource for Players and their families as they go through the recruiting process. Please email any questions to Recruiting Coordinator, Albert Sturgeon at

Please read recruiting packet before moving forward. 


Wildfire Recruiting Packet


1. Determine the schools you would have an interest in by your academic interest, location and corresponding playing level. 
– 20 schools that you would love to attend
– 20 schools that you would have an interest in
– 20 schools that you would attend

2. Use the resources below to gather coaches contact information for these schools. 
– Make a spreadsheet with school name, information, website, coaches name, coaches email. It is a good idea to get the assistant coaches email as well.

3. Create a profile. 
– See examples below.

4. Send an introductory email to your list of schools. 
– Include your name, height, position, grad year, high school and club. Be sure to express interest in their school and volleyball program. Address the coach by name to start the email (ex. Coach Lindstrom). Include your profile and/or a link to your website.

5. Make a Skills Video and/or gather Game Footage
Skills Video – can be made at Wildfire. Contact Albert Sturgeon (
Game Footage – should be one entire game (you can edit out dead time, i.e walking back to serve, etc…) of you playing. Be sure to let the coaches know which number you are and in what position you start in.
Highlight Video- Highlight video can be made on HUDL ( or contact Paul Gustavo Nacary (954-673-7285)

6. Send your Video to those coaches that request it and/or to your list of schools
– You can upload the video to your website or to YouTube.

7. Schedule visits
– Once a coach watches your video and or sees you play live and they like you, they will ask you to schedule a visit. All visits before September 1st of your Senior year are unofficial and therefore you will have to pay all expenses.

8. Consistently check in with coaches
– If a school expresses interest, continually check in with them with updates on your schedule and/or team. Building a relationship with the coaches is a key to success!

9. Register with the NCAA Clearinghouse

Important Documents

Important Links